New Arrival

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Hi. We had Selah (Say - la) Abigail on August 15 at 4:17 PM. It was not a bad labor, all things considered, but I decided I don't like epidurals. It's easier to handle the pain and be done with it. I reacted badly to the epidural & they had to insert it twice while I was in heavy labor and it double numbed my right side. I couldn't use my right leg or feel my back for about 12 hours. Selah is doing well, eating like a little pig most of the time, and sleeping quite a bit still. She weighed 6 lb, 7 oz (she dropped to 6 - 1 after a couple of days) and was 19 inches. At her two week visit she was up to 7 lb, 5 oz. She looks a lot like Charis did at birth, but I can see some distinctions between them as she fills out.


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